Person-centred care in Europe: a cross-country comparison of health system performance, strategies and structures
In February 2016, the international charity Picker Institute Europe published a policy briefing titled “Person-centred care in Europe: a cross-country comparison of health system performance, strategies and structures”. The document provides an overview of policy and practice relating to person-centred care in England, Italy, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands. The briefing focuses on both quality and efficiency of care and highlights recent innovations and adaptations driven by the rise of noncommunicable diseases and financial challenges. For example, in the Netherlands, models of care have shifted towards both prevention and an increased usage of primary care for handling patients with chronic conditions. In Spain, basic primary care services are available within a 15-minute radius of any place of residence. Moreover, patients who have received specialist care are referred back to their primary care doctor, who has a comprehensive view of the patient based on the full medical history. This makes care ...